I have been studying A Course In Miracles for the past several years, and one of the fundamental ideas is not that God went mad, but rather God's Son (us) had the "tiny mad idea" of separation and thus the whole was broken.

The metaphysics is interesting and addresses the problem of theodicy (the goodness of God in the face of the apparent evils of the world) by claiming that God is perfect, that evil is an illusion, the result of the "tiny mad idea."

Since illusions are not real, all the apparent evils of the world are not real.

Only Love, Truth, Knowledge. God (or whatever Name you use, since these are all symbols for the unity that is Truth) are real.

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These sound like fables made up ultimately because, as my superstitious great grandmother said, ‘Misery loves company.’

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How certain can we be of the discreteness of consciousness as we experience. Intuitions, prophetic dreams, compelling (if arguably unreproducible) examples of inexplicable communication of facts at a distance between supposedly separate minds. I do like the notion that mortal beings are gods in cosplay who need a holiday from omnipotence though. Really loved this piece, btw.

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Thanks! I think this model definitely opens the door for non-local phenomena, as a kind of leakage between individual consciousnesses in maybe the same way different DID identities are not 100% isolated (I think).

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