Where’s no 8 from?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 3Author

I was going to use Sam Kriss' description from https://samkriss.substack.com/p/five-prophets but then I used another description of the same story that I had saved from I'm not sure where (I think a tweet that screenshotted a book). Might have to ask google/chatgpt :)

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Jul 3Liked by Roger’s Bacon

It must be a short story from Brian Fawcett's Cambodia. See this LA times book review mentioning Tibetan peasants in WW2 Germany: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-01-11-vw-28-story.html

And this history blog where this story is discussed: https://www.strangehistory.net/2010/05/31/tibetan-soldiers-in-the-second-world-war/

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Serious wtf moment here. I read Sam Kriss's piece and thought he had made up the story wholesale, and even congratulated him on the characterization. You mean this shit possibly really happened?

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Lol yea most of that article was fake, but that particular anecdote was not. He's a master.

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Jul 4Liked by Roger’s Bacon

The whole selection is fantastic, esp. the artworks, thank you for sharing.

I've been thinking, particularly about the AI ones, perhaps that's its best application for it so far? I mean to produce visuals that are impossibly hard (or impossible) for a human to make by hand, something weird and unhinged?

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I had a similar thought - I want my AI art to be as surreal and non-human as possible!

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