That was a work of fART! Also, why I consider myself an all terrain theorists!

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I have heard that skinny people have a certain micro biome and if you can absorb it, you can get skinny too. Lol. So skinny people, feel free to fart on me!

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Interesting! reminds me of this - https://www.autism.org/microbiota-transplant-research-mice/

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Yes, they’ve done the same with skinny and fat mice and it works.

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I think this might be the most underrated way to increase global happiness -> make farts normal (again?).

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Roger’s Bacon

Bataille's "solar anus" mixed with Focault's "biopower" (hygiene is a type of authoritarian control). What a vibe. https://archive.ph/D5Gzu https://www.counterpunch.org/2015/05/05/biopower-and-security/

But with all seriousness, I do think that there is a need for hormesis, and that this explains why "purity spirals" for both politics (e.g. wokism, "trad" culture) and diet (e.g. vegan, fat-free) exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormesis https://kirkegaard.substack.com/p/vaccine-viral-hormesis

Without such a mechanism, humanity moves towards fragilization. https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2019/06/10/mediocratopia-5/ https://luca-dellanna.com/fragilization/

As an example, there is "training max" for weightlifting, often as 85% of "competition max". The gap is there to ensure safety. Similar thing goes to 35 hour workweeks for thought work, and how extra hours would cause a hit in work performance. https://swellandcut.com/2018/11/21/the-real-limit/

What are the taboos that has caused fragilization in body and spirit? Politically Correct humor? Heterodox research? Hulling of midline subculture (does anyone here remember Homestuck and creepypastas)?

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Yes - hormesis is exactly what I was thinking!

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What a (comedic) relief to read this!

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...Sylvestris? Get the Stake. Yes, extra flammable.

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