On a dying planet ravaged by nuclear war, the nubile young women are compelled to go down to what can only be described as a kind of zoo and have sex with the deformed human and non-human monstrosities housed therein. In this particular account, a young woman has sex in a small cage with a meta-chimera that appears to have been assembled from the bodies of several boys, some kind of reptile, and a creature resembling a goat or yak. Through the wonders of futuristic science, the young woman gives birth less than 3 minutes after being inseminated. The young woman and the meta-chimera fight over who gets to keep the newborn. The woman wins, and promptly devours the offspring, hair, teeth, toes, and all. Just after she has finished eating, it is discovered that the offspring was god.
This vignette was a remix of Philip K Dick’s “The Story to End All Stories”.
This is perfect, everything: the abominable picture, the profoundly absurd ending (perhaps I am weird and my mind is perverted enough but I chuckled at it 🥲)