Thank you for this, definitely a valid criticism. I would make a distinction between children as they are forced to be in modern world vs. what is their natural to the state of being a child. The child does not know rules of society or what status even means until we indoctrinate them, which is why innocence of child can often point out silliness of adult world (e.g. it is the child who dare say the emperor has no clothes).
"Whereas adulthood means thinking for yourself and not being too influenced by external agents." - Does it? Not the adults I know lol...You could just easily say older people are the one's stuck in their ways whereas youth is associated with experimentation/novelty-seeking.
Neat ideas well executed. Unfortunately you have hitched your theory of mental evolution to the least credible part of natural selection- the idea that frameshift mutations are sometimes pro-survival. There simply don't seem to be any examples of this and I've looked quite a bit for them. Random mutation has never been demonstrated to enhance the offspring, which is why after almost two hundred years evolution remains a thing that we believe in because experts say so and not a thing that anybody ever demonstrates or measures.
The announcement this week that the FDA has given the go ahead to the development of a canine longevity drug makes me feel like we might have been domesticated by dogs rather than our own culture.
Thank you for this, definitely a valid criticism. I would make a distinction between children as they are forced to be in modern world vs. what is their natural to the state of being a child. The child does not know rules of society or what status even means until we indoctrinate them, which is why innocence of child can often point out silliness of adult world (e.g. it is the child who dare say the emperor has no clothes).
"Whereas adulthood means thinking for yourself and not being too influenced by external agents." - Does it? Not the adults I know lol...You could just easily say older people are the one's stuck in their ways whereas youth is associated with experimentation/novelty-seeking.
I touch on these themes more in BOP #2
Just getting the first comment in for what will be a funwild ride. Keep it going, Mr. Bacon.
Neat ideas well executed. Unfortunately you have hitched your theory of mental evolution to the least credible part of natural selection- the idea that frameshift mutations are sometimes pro-survival. There simply don't seem to be any examples of this and I've looked quite a bit for them. Random mutation has never been demonstrated to enhance the offspring, which is why after almost two hundred years evolution remains a thing that we believe in because experts say so and not a thing that anybody ever demonstrates or measures.
The announcement this week that the FDA has given the go ahead to the development of a canine longevity drug makes me feel like we might have been domesticated by dogs rather than our own culture.
I mean we follow them around cleaning up their shit and invent drugs to make them live yes very plausible
So play? Childlike (serious play) > Neanderthal?