Wonderful. I’ve long wondered this. How can we be certain that galaxies, or the universe as a whole isn’t conscious? And if you assert that it’s not, what definition of explanation of consciousness could possibly exclude something like a star, a galaxy, or the universe? Most people think that our consciousness emerges from complex interactions between a huge number of non-conscious, mechanical units in the brain; but a galaxy, too, consists of a huge number of non-conscious, mechanical units.

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LOVED THIS. I’ve been researching solar wind for a book and the sun fascinates me. Thanks for writing this.

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Fascinating, various thoughts bloom now, thanks for sharing

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Roger’s Bacon

I recall reading something a few years back about the surface of a black hole being a sort of tablet where information is stored, kind of like a hard disk in a computer, but with the ability to hold several orders of magnitude more information than any mechanical device we can come up with. I cannot for the life of me remember where I read this. Maybe in Brian Greene's _Hidden Reality_?

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May 21, 2023Liked by Roger’s Bacon

Maybe worth noting that from the dawn of civilization, astrology in its many forms rests on the image of sentient planets with pronaunced charecter in an everchanging drama. Our more "scientific" imagination is picking up on a long trend. Im gratful for the recent refferences.

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