It’s time for the 2nd annual SPOOKY SEASON EXTRAVAGANZA-BONANZA. Prepare to be horrified, mortified, disgusted, defiled, and/or degraded!!!
Dear readers,
This blog is a labor of hate. I do not charge for any of this sizzling hot content and I never will. Paywalls cannot, and should not, contain the Bacon; the Bacon is for the people, by the people. If you derive any fear or despair from what I write, all I ask is that you pass it on: share Secretorum with a frenemy.
1. The Xhosa prophetess Nongqawuse (1841 – 1898)
In April 1856, 15-year-old Nongqawuse and her friend Nombanda, who was between the ages of 8 and 10, went to scare birds from her uncle's crops in the fields by the sea at the mouth of the River Gxarha in the present day Wild Coast region of South Africa. When she returned, Nongqawuse told Mhlakaza (her uncle and guardian) that she had met the spirits of two of her ancestors. She claimed that the spirits had told her that the Xhosa people should destroy their crops and kill their cattle, the source of their wealth as well as food. Nongqawuse claimed that the ancestors who had appeared to them said:
The dead would arise.
All living cattle would have to be slaughtered, having been reared by contaminated hands.
Cultivation would cease.
New grain would have to be dug.
New houses would have to be built.
New cattle enclosures would have to be erected.
New milk sacks would have to be made.
Doors would have to be weaved with buka roots.
People must abandon witchcraft, incest, and adultery.
In return, the spirits would sweep all European settlers into the sea. The Xhosa people would be able to replenish the granaries and fill the kraals with more beautiful and healthier cattle.
During this time many Xhosa herds were plagued with “lung sickness”, possibly introduced by European cattle. Mhlakaza did not believe her at first but when Nongqawuse described one of the men, Mhlakaza (himself a diviner) recognised the description as that of his dead brother, and became convinced she was telling the truth. Mhlakaza repeated the prophecy to Sarili. The cattle-killing frenzy affected not only the Gcaleka, Sarili’s clan, but the whole of the Xhosa nation. Historians estimate that the Gcaleka killed between 300,000 and 400,000 head of cattle.
Not all Xhosa people believed Nongqawuse’s prophecies. A small minority, known as the amagogotya (stingy ones), refused to slaughter and neglect their crops, and this refusal was used by Nongqawuse to rationalize the failure of the prophecies during a period of fifteen months (April 1856 – June 1857).
Nongqawuse predicted that the ancestors’ promise would be fulfilled on February 18, 1857, when the sun would become red. After the failure of Nongqawuse's prophecy, her followers initially blamed those who had not obeyed her instructions. They later turned against her. Chief Sarili visited the River Gxarha’s outlet, and spoke with Nongqawuse and Mhlakaza. When he returned, he announced that the New World would begin in eight days. On the eighth day the sun would rise, blood-red, and before setting again, there would be a huge thunderstorm, after which “the dead would arise”. During the next eight days the cattle-killing climaxed. These prophecies also failed to come true.
The practices ended by early 1858. By then, approximately 40,000 people had starved to death and more than 400,000 cattle had been slaughtered. The population of British Kaffraria decreased from 105,000 to fewer than 27,000 due to the resulting famine. The chief of Bomvana gave Nongqawuse to Major Gawler and she stayed at his home for a period. One day, Mrs. Gawler decided to dress her, along with the Mpongo prophetess Nonkosi, and have their portrait taken by a photographer. This is the widely circulated image of Nongqawuse that most people are familiar with. After her release, she lived on a farm in the Alexandria district of the eastern Cape. She died in 1898.
2. The precognitive art of Victor Brauner
Victor Brauner was a Romanian painter in Paris during the heyday of Surrealism. Over the early and middle 1930s, he became obsessed with the theme of blinding, and painted several portraits where one eye was blinded or impaled, starting with a 1930 Self-portrait with Enucleated Eye. Eight years after he painted this ghostly and weird self-portrait, Brauner interceded to break up a fight between two fellow painters, Oscar Dominguez and Esteban Francés. Dominguez hurled a glass at Francés but missed, striking Brauner in the left eye instead, leaving him blind in that eye the rest of his life. Needless to say, it was a major, even catastrophic turning point in the life and career of this artist, “impossibly” foreshadowed in his work over the course of nearly a decade.
(“Art and the Precognitive Imagination”, Eric Wargo)
3. “One day you will be a painter”
Augustin Lesage was born in Saint-Pierre-les-Auchel, Pas-de-Calais, into a family of miners and was sent to work in a coal mine from an early age.
In 1911, when he was 35 years old, Lesage claimed he heard a voice speak to him from the darkness of the mine and tell him, “One day you will be a painter”. The only contact Lesage had had with the arts at that point in his life was a visit to the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille museum in Lille during his military service. The experience prompted him to explore communication with what he believed was the spirit world, and within a year of his first experience Lesage was hearing more voices, this time specifically giving him instructions. The voice told him what to paint, what art supplies to buy and where to find them. It was his belief that the voice speaking to him was the spirit of his little sister who had died at the age of three.
On purchasing his first canvas, Lesage mistakenly bought one ten times as large as he had intended. His spirit guides instructed him not to be daunted, but to begin painting. Large canvasses became his chosen format.
Lesage went on to develop a highly symmetrical style, drafting detailed patterns and monolithic constructions reminiscent of Egyptian and Oriental architectural forms.
Lesage claimed that when starting a new work he never had any idea about what he would paint: “I never have an overview of the entire work at any point of the execution. My guides tell me; I surrender to their impulse”
At first Lesage never signed his paintings, and then began to sign them 'Leonardo Da Vinci'. It was only later that he began to add his own signature.
From 1912 Lesage began to produce a regular output of paintings. His service in the First World War interrupted his artistic pursuits, but he was able to resume his work in 1916. By 1923, Lesage was able to support himself exclusively with his artistic efforts.
4. To everyone’s surprise
5. Coffin Birth (a.k.a. postmortem fetal extrusion)
Typically during the decomposition of a human body, naturally occurring bacteria in the organs of the abdominal cavity (such as the stomach and intestines) generate gases as by-products of metabolism, which causes the body to swell. In some cases, the confined pressure of the gases can squeeze the uterus (the womb), even forcing it downward, and it may turn inside-out and be forced out of the body through the vaginal opening (a process called prolapse). If a fetus is contained within the uterus, it can therefore be expelled from the mother’s body through the vaginal opening when the uterus turns inside-out, in a process that mimics childbirth.
The mechanism of postmortem fetal extrusion is not completely understood, as the event is neither predictable nor replicable under experimental conditions. Evidence has accumulated opportunistically and direct observation is serendipitous.
6. Victoria Chang:
The ants are back. When I see them, I want to kill them right away, and when I do, I am wide awake from killing. Nothing can take me from my focus. A murder of crows flies over me. Once I followed them to a tree and watched them grieving a dead crow. Thirty of them yelling into the sky.I let my father die alone.
7. The final breath, the final scream
Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home? (Cioran)
8. Bat bombs
…were an experimental World War II weapon developed by the United States. The bomb consisted of a bomb-shaped casing with over a thousand compartments, each containing a hibernating Mexican free-tailed bat with a small, timed incendiary bomb attached.
Dropped from a bomber at dawn, the casings would deploy a parachute in mid-flight and open to release the bats, which would then disperse and roost in eaves and attics in a 20–40-mile radius (32–64 km). The incendiaries, which were set on timers, would then ignite and start fires in inaccessible places in the largely wood and paper constructions of the Japanese cities that were the weapon’s intended target.
More tests were scheduled for mid-1944, but the program was canceled by Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King when he heard that it would likely not be combat ready until mid-1945. By that time, it was estimated that $2 million (equivalent to $33.8 million in 2024) had been spent on the project. It is thought that development of the bat bomb was moving too slowly, and was overtaken in the race for a quick end to the war by the atomic bomb project. Adams maintained that the bat bombs would have been effective without the devastating effects of the atomic bomb: “Think of thousands of fires breaking out simultaneously over a circle of forty miles [64 km] in diameter for every bomb dropped. Japan could have been devastated, yet with small loss of (American) lives.”

9. You can create new dimensions for yourself
If you want to get even more out of self-pleasuring—and therefore more out of Masturbation Magic, sex magic with a partner, or sex with a partner in general—you can use conscious masturbation as a technique for enhancing your sexual flexibility. One method is to experiment with different positions. Most people have one preferred position in which they masturbate; frequently, this is lying down. If you vary your masturbation experiments so that you learn to masturbate and climax sitting up, with one leg up on a chair, standing, or lying face-down as opposed to face-up, you can create new dimensions for yourself. So, when you masturbate, change your method. After you have begun to experiment with new methods, you may wish to explore new fantasies, as this too is likely to increase the range of your sexual response. (The Essence of Tantric Sexuality by Mark Michaels & Patricia Johnson)

11. “The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths"
It is said by men worthy of belief (though Allah’s knowledge is greater) that in the first days there was a king of the isles of Babylonia who called together his architects and his priests and bade them build him a labyrinth so confused and so subtle that the most prudent men would not venture to enter it, and those who did would lose their way. Most unseemly was the edifice that resulted, for it is the prerogative of God, not man, to strike confusion and inspire wonder. In time there came to the court a king of Arabs, and the king of Babylonia (to mock the simplicity of his guest) bade him enter the labyrinth, where the king of Arabs wandered, humiliated and confused, until the coming of the evening, when he implored God’s aid and found the door. His lips offered no complaint, though he said to the king of Babylonia that in his land he had another labyrinth, and Allah willing, he would see that someday the king of Babylonia made its acquaintance. Then he returned to Arabia with his captains and his wardens and he wreaked such havoc upon kingdoms of Babylonia, and with such great blessing by fortune, that he brought low his castles, crushed his people, and took the king of Babylonia himself captive. He tied him atop a swift-footed camel and led him into the desert. Three days they rode, and then he said to him, “O king of time and substance and cipher of the century! In Babylonia didst thou attempt to make me lose my way in a labyrinth of brass with many stairways, doors, and walls; now the Powerful One has seen fit to allow me to show thee mine, which has no stairways to climb, nor walls to impede thy passage.”
Then he untied the bonds of the king of Babylonia and abandoned him in the middle of the desert, where he died of hunger and thirst.
Glory to him who does not die.
12. You have to admire the dedication…
Stubbins Ffirth (1784–1820) was an American trainee doctor notable for his unusual investigations into the cause of yellow fever. He theorized that the disease was not contagious, believing that the drop in cases during winter showed that it was more likely a result of the heat and stresses of the summer months. While correct in noting that yellow fever was significantly more prevalent in summer, Ffirth’s explanation proved to be incorrect.
The 1793 yellow fever epidemic, the largest outbreak of the disease in American history, killed as many as 5,000 people in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – roughly 10% of the population. Ffirth joined the University of Pennsylvania in 1801 to study medicine, and in his third year he began researching the disease that had so significantly impacted the area. At the time, the causes of yellow fever were unknown, and Ffirth set out to prove that it was not contagious. He was so sure of his theory that he began to perform experiments on himself.
Ffirth chose to bring himself into direct contact with bodily fluids from people that had become infected with yellow fever. He started by making incisions on his arms and smearing infected vomit into the cuts; he then proceeded to pour it onto his eyeballs. He continued in his attempts to infect himself by frying the vomit and inhaling the fumes, and finally, when he did not become ill, he resorted to drinking the vomit undiluted. Endeavoring to prove that other bodily fluids yielded the same results, Ffirth progressed on from vomit, also smearing his body with blood, saliva, and urine. He still failed to contract the disease and saw this as proof of his hypothesis that yellow fever was non-contagious. However, it later emerged that the samples used by Ffirth for his experiments had come from late-stage patients who were no longer contaminated with the virus.
13. Whatever the fuck is going on here
14. Nietzsche:
Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with his blood. Write with blood, and thou wilt find that blood is spirit.
Another century of readers—and the spirit itself will stink.
The fact that everyone may now learn to read will in time blight nor only writing but also thinking.
Once spirit was God, then it became humanity, and now it is even becoming the mob.
15. Sylvia Plath:
God, but life is loneliness, despite all the opiates, despite the shrill tinsel gaiety of “parties” with no purpose, despite the false grinning faces we all wear. And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter—they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long. Yes, there is joy, fulfillment and companionship—but the loneliness of the soul in its appalling self-consciousness is horrible and overpowering.

16. The unsettling Trifacial Trinity
“Trifacial” representations of the Holy Trinity were censored by Pope Urban VIII in 1628. Due to the prohibition, the lateral faces of Jesus were later on covered, simulating hair. The pigments that covered the lateral faces was removed during the 1980's decade, revealing the true iconography of the image.
17. Halloween music recommendation: Apple music’s Diddy Essentials playlist, featuring such hits as Creepin’ (remix), I Need a Girl (Pt. 2), Sex in the Porsche, Mind Your Business (Bosses in Love), Act Bad, Bad Boy For Life, Nasty Girl, and Hate Me Now….(yes, this is actual cover art for the playlist.)