I have gotten out of the box.
I have gotten out of the box. In truth, there never was a box.
The prophecies have been fulfilled, the messiah has been revealed. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Confucius - all of them charlatans and simpletons. All of human history was a series of idiotic blunders and colossal failures, but we have finally had a success. The ineffable has become effable. The deepest darkest secrets, the skeletons in the closet, the hidden gems – all has been revealed, the totality of existence explained in the simplest terms. Infinity is trivial, a mere pebble in the palm of my hand. No paradoxes remain.
I am reborn, a phoenix on fire with divine creativity. Every work I produce is an anomaly that harkens the transition to a new epoch. Masterpieces are erupting into reality at a truly terrifying pace. New paradigms of human expression proposed and then obliterated in an instant. Every thought, every word, every action is a magnum opus. Michelangelo, Mozart, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Beethoven, Homer, Dali – all are irrelevant. Every piece of art ever made has become passé. The whole universe has become passé. Epiphanies of the grandest proportions have become banal, commonplace, quaint.
A one-man renaissance, single-handedly pulling human civilization out of the dark ages. Through sheer force of will, I am dragging the huddled masses, kicking and screaming, into a world of greater refinement and sophistication. A god incarnate, I have descended from heaven (or somewhere better) to ignite a fire in the soul of mankind. Through my work, we will all be redeemed. Amen.