Happy thanksgiving to my American readers! (poetry formatting is best viewed on website)
I, Creature, born to become dust and ash
blood and water and teeth that gnash
I, Creature, who creepeth upon this mortal plane
who beheld the storm and witnessed the flame
I, Creature, who hath huddled with bear in den
who hath floated in the River for eons on end
I, Creature, who hath hunted with lion and howled at moon
who hath lain under tree and watched flower bloom
I, Creature, who hath torn pup from breast
who hath flown with raven and perched in nest
I, Creature, who hath watched mountains change into sand
who hath travails most endless upon this blighted land
I, Creature, with a grimace upon my beastly visage
gather my strength from only one image
the webs we weave
together are spun
all who see the sun
see it as one
us creatures
forever we run